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    1.    M. Ren, M. Gong, M. Lin, J. Zhang, Generalized Correntropy Predictive Control for Waste Heat Recovery Systems Based on Organic Rankine Cycle, IEEE ACCESS, 2019,7: 151587-151594(SCI 二区)
    2.    M. Ren, Q. Zhang, and J. Zhang, An introductory survey of probability density function control, Systems Science & Control Engineering, 2019, 7(1): 158-170 (ESCI)
    3.    L. Cheng, K. Wang, M. Ren, and G. Yan, Adaptive Filter Approach for GPS Multipath Estimation under Correntropy Criterion in Dynamic Multipath Environment, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2019.2946028, 5798-5810, 2019 (SCI二区)
    4.    X. Xu, Q. Chen, M. Ren*, L. Cheng, J. Xie, Combustion Optimization for Coal Fired Power Plant Boilers Based on Improved Distributed ELM and Distributed PSO, Energies, 2019, 12, 1036; doi:10.3390/en12061036 (SCI三区)
    5.    X. Xu, Y. Zhang, M. Ren*, J. Zhang, G. Yan, Generalized Correntropy Filter-Based Fault Diagnosis and Tolerant Control for Non-Gaussian Stochastic Systems Subject to Sensor Faults, IEEE Access, 2018 (6): 12598-12607 (SCI二区)
    6.    X. Xu, Y. Zhao, M. Ren*, SIP-Based Single Neuron Stochastic Predictive PID Control Algorithm for Non-Gaussian Networked Control System with Uncertain Metrology Delay, Entropy, 2018, 20 (7): 494 (SCI三区)
    7.    L. Cheng, K. Wang, M. Ren, X. Xu, Comprehensive Analysis of Multipath Estimation Algorithms in the Framework of Information Theoretic Learning, IEEE Access, 2018 (6): 5521-5530 (SCI二区)
    8.    J. Zhang, X. Tian, Z. Zhu, M. Ren, Data-Driven Superheating Control of Organic Rankine Cycle Processes, COMPLEXITY, 4154019, DOI: 10.1155/2018/4154019, 2018 (SCI二区)
    9.    L. Cheng, H. Yue, Y. Xing, M. Ren, Multipath Estimation Based on Modified epsilon-Constrained Rank-Based Differential Evolution With Minimum Error Entropy, IEEE Access, 2018(6): 61569-61582 (SCI二区)
    10.    M. Ren, T. Cheng, J. Chen, X. Xu, L. Cheng, Single Neuron Stochastic Predictive PID Control Algorithm for Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Systems Using the Survival Information Potential Criterion, Entropy, 2016, 18(6), 218; doi:10.3390/e18060218 (SCI三区)
    11.    J. Zhang, J. Xiong, M. Ren*, Y. Shi, J. Xu, Filter-Based Fault Diagnosis of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Subject to Sensor Faults, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2016, 138, 061008-1~061008-10 (SCI四区)
    12.    J. Zhang, Y. Kuai, M. Ren, S. Zhou, M. Lin, Controller design for nonlinear and non-Gaussian multivariable systems based on survival information potential criterion, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2016, 353(15), 3786-3798 (SCI二区)
    13.    J. Zhang, Y. Kuai, M. Ren, Z. Luo, M. Lin, Event-triggered distributed filtering for non-Gaussian systems over wireless sensor networks using survival information potential criterion, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2016, 10(13), 1524-1530 (SCI二区)
    14.    J. Zhang, S. Zhou, M. Ren, H. Yue, Adaptive neural network cascade control system with entropy-based design, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2016,10(10), 1151-1160 (SCI二区)
    15.    L. Cheng, M. Ren, G. Xie, Multipath Estimation Based on Centered Error Entropy Criterion for Non-Gaussian Noise, IEEE Access, 2016 (4): 9978-9986 (SCI二区)
    16.    M. Ren, J. Zhang, M. Jiang, M. Yu and J. Xu, Minimum (h,hpi)-entropy control for non-Gaussian stochastic networked control systems and its application to a networked DC motor control system, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems and Technology, 23(1),2015: 406-411 (SCI二区)
    17.    M. Ren, J. Zhang and H. Wang, Minimized tracking error randomness control for nonlinear multivariate and non-Gaussian systems using the generalized density evolution equation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59(9), 2014: 2486-2490 (SCI二区)
    18.    M. Ren, D. Wu, J. Zhang , M. Jiang, Minimum entropy based cascade control for governing hydroelectric turbines, Entropy, 16(6), 2014: 3136-3148 (SCI三区)
    19.    M. Ren, J. Zhang, Y. Tian, and G. Hou, A Neural Network Controller for Variable-Speed Variable-Pitch Wind Energy Conversion Systems Using Generalized Minimum Entropy Criterion, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 412027, 9 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/412027 (SCI四区)
    20.    J. Zhang, M. Jiang, M. Ren, G. Hou and J. Xu, Improved single neuron controller for multivariable stochastic systems with non-Gaussianities and unmodeled dynamics, ISA Transactions, 52(6), 2013: 752-758 (SCI二区)
    21.    M. Ren, J. Zhang, F. Fang, G. Hou and J. Xu, Improved minimum entropy filtering for continuous nonlinear non-Gaussian systems using a generalized density evolution equation,Entropy, 15(7), 2013: 2510-2523 (SCI三区)
    22.    J. Zhang, M. Ren and H. Wang, Minimum entropy control for non-linear and non-Gaussian two-input and two-output dynamic stochastic systems, IET Control Theory & Applications, 6(15), 2012: 2434-2441(SCI二区)
    23.    M. Ren, J. Zhang, M. Jiang, Y. Tian and G. Hou, Statistical information based single neuron adaptive control for non-Gaussian stochastic systems, Entropy, 14(7), 2012: 1154-1164 (SCI三区)
    24.    J. Qiu, M. Ren*, Y. Niu, Y. Zhao and Y. Guo, Fault estimation for nonlinear dynamic systems, Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, 31(2), 2012: 555-564 (SCI三区)
    25.    J. Zhang, L. Du, M. Ren and G. Hou, Minimum error entropy filter for fault detection of networked control systems, Entropy, 14(3), 2012: 505-516 (SCI三区)
    26.    J. Zhang, F. Zhang, M. Ren and G. Hou, Cascade control of superheated steam temperature with neural PID controller, ISA Transactions, 51(6), 2012: 778-785 (SCI二区)
    27.    J. Zhang, M. Ren, Y. Tian, G. Hou and F. Fang, Constrained stochastic distribution control for nonlinear stochastic systems with non-Gaussian noises, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 9(4), 2013:1759-1767(EI期刊)
    28.    J. Zhang, M. Ren, G. Hou and M. Yu, Design MIMO control systems with non-Gaussian delays and noises,ICIC Express Letters, 7(2), 2013: 417-422 (EI期刊) http://www.ijicic.org/el-7(2).htm
    29.    M. Ren, J. Zhang, J. Zhang and G. Hou, Minimum entropy incremental control for nonlinear stochastic systems with non-Gaussian disturbances and uncertain parameters, 2012 American Control Conference, June 27-29, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2012: 197-201 (EI会议)
    1.    中车永济电机有限公司横向项目:列车半实物仿真平台精度提升—建模中的关键技术(2020.10-2021.12    ),12万,在研
    2.    山西省高等学校科技创新项目:多源信息融合下的锅炉燃烧过程节能控制研究(2020.12~2022.12),2万,在研
    3.    先进控制与装备智能化山西省重点实验室,基于深度学习的塑化材料纹理缺陷检测方法研究(2019.11~2020.12),1.5万,在研
    4.    国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于统计信息集的非高斯系统多目标优化控制及性能评估策略研究(2016.1~2018.12),23.7万,结题
    5.    山西省自然科学基金:基于非高斯随机控制理论的锅炉烟气余热利用过程控制(2017.7~2019.12),2万,结题
    6.    金沙集团wwW3354CC校基金:非高斯随机系统的多目标优化控制及性能评估(2015.1~2016.12),1万,结题



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